The Martial Arts Industry Association's MASuccess Magazine exists to help grow martial arts participation by helping school owners succeed.
Much of the Martial Arts Community Has Transitioned to Online Instruction — Here’s What You Need to Do to Keep Your Local Students From Going Virtual
by Cris Rodriguez
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”
— Charles Darwin
Change. Adapt. Pivot. Adjust. Modify. Revise. Develop. INNOVATE.
These are words often used to describe what we martial arts school owners were forced to do last year as a result of COVID-19 and the lockdowns that ensued.
While many of our peers now regard 2020 as their worst year ever, I prefer to view it as a great opportunity for growth. For me, it was the year I realized how tough I truly am. It was the year I watched my team step up. It was the year I discovered how strong the martial arts community really is.
It was also the year I learned that teaching punches and kicks and armbars and chokes isn’t enough. It’s about...
Let’s face it, online advertising works awesome, but it costs money.
It’s a pay-to-play platform.
And it’s one that requires skills and strategy — two things that many martial arts school owners have when they are on the mat — but put them in front of the Facebook Ads Manager, and they are tying on a white belt.
When times are tough and your marketing budget is low, leaders adapt and overcome.
And while paid advertising is the fastest way to gain new students, it’s not the only way.
Smart school owners leverage the power of Social Media and the Internet every single day.
And while you might not have a large marketing budget, that doesn’t mean you are out for the count.
This is why I put together 7 ways for you to reach your audience online…for free.
That’s right.
These techniques and strategies won’t cost you a dime.
So what’s the catch?
It will cost...
by MAIA Division Manager Melissa Torres
It was difficult to sit down to write this column because I knew that no matter what topic I chose to cover, I would have to mention COVID-19 in some capacity. Unfortunately, the pandemic is still part of our daily lives, and it continues to affect martial arts schools in countless ways. Our curriculums, instructor training, marketing and best retention practices all hinge on what happens with regard to the pandemic.
Since no one can predict when we finally will be out of the COVID woods, it’s essential to continue to adjust and “roll with the punches.” Recall Bruce Lee’s well-known quote: “Be like water, my friend.” We must be adaptable in these uncertain times in order to get to the other side. We’ve got to keep pressing forward!
No doubt you all have had time to take a step back to reevaluate your businesses and plan your next move. Well, MAIA has done the same. After the SuperShow Virtual...
By: Cris Rodriguez, MAIA Digital Marketing Specialist
Over the past year, we’ve had over 200 school owners graduate from my 8-Week Marketing Mastermind Course. They took a deep dive into Facebook, Instagram, and Google Advertising, and learned how to use those major platforms to grow their Martial Arts Academy.
Many of them have seen amazing results with their new-found knowledge and skill set. However, many of them also realized that digital marketing can be time consuming and frustrating, especially if it’s not something you’re passionate about.
Most school owners have enough on their plate already. However, it is vital you have a presence on those major platforms.
Why? Because if you’re not, your competitor will be.
And this is exactly why I created Grow Pro Agency.
In the ever-changing online world, keeping up with the constant updates of social media can require not only your time, but also your energy.
And that’s why we’re here...
With 2020 less than a week away, it's time to announce our top 3 predictions for digital marketing in the next year. See how you can use them to improve in 2020 and sign up for the next session of MAIA Foundations.
By: Cris Rodriguez, MAIA Digital Marketing Expert
A New Year is upon us which ultimately means change.
Are you ready for the ever changing world of digital marketing in the new year?
Many Martial Arts School Owners are strategizing and planning their upcoming year. And with it also being the start of a brand new decade, aspirations and goals are being set high.
After being in the digital marketing game for the past 8 years, I’ve seen my fair share of trends and wanted to share my 2020 predictions for the online world.
1) Facebook Ad Costs Continue To Raise
While I think this is no-brainer, it’s important to mention this and more importantly to explain why Ad Costs continue to rise and how you can combat this.
In the 1st quarter...
By: Cris Rodriguez, MAIA Digital Marketing Expert
When a school owner fills out an application to work with my company, Grow Pro Agency, to see if we are good fit, one of the questions we ask is, “have you advertised on the Facebook Ads platform before.”
About 80% of our prospective clients end up saying something to the effect of, “Yes, I boost posts all the time.”
I wanted to quickly go over whether or not you should be boosting posts and what type of results you will get from them.
First, what is a boosted post?
There are 11 different Campaign Objectives inside of the Facebook Ads Manager, and Engagement is one of them.
A boosted post is simply an “Engagement Ad” where Facebook will put your ad in front of the audience of your choosing with the purpose of getting you engagement (likes, comments, shares). The reason why it is so popular, is because it is one of the few types of ads that you can create without having to go deep into the...
Social media doesn't have to be hard. Try these organic posting today and improve your following. If you want a done-for-you Social Media Calendar, check out MAIA Edge.
By: Cris Rodriguez, MAIA Digital Marketing Expert
As most of us know, The Facebook Ads Platform is a pay to play platform. Or as I like to call it, an invest for success platform.
But I hear it all the time - “Cris, Facebook Ads don’t work for me.”
Or, “I boosted a post and I didn’t get any new students.”
Or my personal favorite, “Facebook Ads are too expensive.”
All things considered, Facebook Ads are the most cost effective way to advertise.
Tell me any other channel that you can target your EXACT Avatar (insert explanation of Avatar here), show them the perfect messaging, at the perfect time, and convert them.
It’s truly amazing the power of digital marketing.
However, what most school owners don’t understand is that your Organic efforts actually...
Learn how to set up your very first Facebook Ad Campaign with this step-by-step guide. Want more Facebook Ads training? MAIA Foundations is now open. Reserve your seat.
By: Cris Rodriguez, MAIA Digital Marketing Specialist
In the past 6 months, my Team and I at Grow Pro Agency have spent over $100,000 on Martial Arts Facebook Ads.
Dropping a six figure ad spend comes with a lot of responsibility, as well as a lot of data.
There are some nights that I even dream about Facebook ads, which just goes to show exactly how much time I’ve actually spent inside of the Facebook Ads Manager.
Pretty exciting dreams, I know.
I’ve also been teaching Martial Arts School Owners how to run Facebook Ads themselves, and we have had over 150 School Owners graduate from my 8 Week Marketing Mastermind Course.
So what does all of this have to do with this article?
Well, I’ve had a ton of experience running Facebook Ads as well as teaching them, and I wanted to show you what I...
Not sure how to get your studio featured at the top of Google's Search Engine Results Page? Read MAIA Social Media Specialist, Cris Rodriguez' tips on dominating Google.
By: Cris Rodriguez, Social Media Specialist
Social Media (love it or hate it) is an absolutely effective communication and marketing tool for your Academy.
While there are many different platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram to help build your audience as well as brand awareness, today we are going to cover one of the least leveraged platforms: Google My Business.
Before we learn how to leverage it, we have to understand the type of marketing that Google is versus Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook and Instagram are interest based marketing. Meaning, our ads will be shown to users based on the data that they have provided while surfing the internet (websites they have visited, products they have purchased, etc).
Think about why people are on social media in the first place. It’s usually because they...
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