When we first started martial arts, we never thought we would be where we are: full-fledged entrepreneurs making an impact on our communities. But here we are!
Many of us had to learn on-the-fly how to run a business. We spent long nights trying to figure out how to grow our schools into businesses.
Sometimes, we were moving so fast we barely knew what we knew, or more importantly — what we didn’t.
Do you know what a lead is? Truly? We know we want them, but what is the difference between a lead, a prospect, or a customer?
That’s why I want to stop and take a second to slow down and really talk about it.
Let’s start with the basics: your Customer Journey
[See video above]
Before your prospect is — well — a prospect, they are a lead. A lead is someone who has a one-way interaction with your school or your brand.
During this stage of the Customer Journey, your Lead will be determining if they are interested or not and will likely need more information about your brand.
That’s where you come in.
Building your awareness at this point is vital. By creating lots of content and updating your information on places like Google and Facebook, you can introduce your school to your Lead with your best foot forward. It can inform your Lead about your school and pique their interests, pushing them to the next step.
This is where they become a Prospect.
During this phase of the Customer Journey, they will decide whether they will sign up or not.
During this phase, you should be following up consistently.
Your Prospect will be evaluating if your school is a right fit for them. They will start asking granular questions like “what are class times” and “what are your prices”.
Getting personal with a Prospect once they opt in can really enhance the Customer Journey and push them to the next phase. So pick up the phone, leave a voicemail, reply to the email, and send that text message!
Now that you've connected and built rapport, hopefully you booked an appointment, and they are on their way to your academy. It's time to do what you do best — Martial Arts!
School owners that are able to take a prospect to a customer understand the importance of showcasing the value of not only their classes, but of the life skills that martial arts teaches.
Your Introductory Offer, Sales Enrollment Presentation, and aesthetics of your school will play a major role in whether or not this prospect becomes your customer. (If you need more help with these basic Foundational Systems - check out www.maiafoundations.com)
Once they become a customer, it's now time for onboarding. And that's a topic for another blog.
Now as you can see, one of the most important step as a business owner is to get a Lead. If you don’t have Leads, you don’t have any potential customers,
And now with a screen in every hand, it may seem more impossible for your school to be seen and heard.
Don’t sweat it.
That’s why MAIA is hosting a #5DayLeadChallenge to generate leads FAST for your school.
That’s right.
We are helping you grow your school and your wallet.💰💰💰
For Free.
Join Cris Rodriguez, Mike Metzger, and Shane Tassoul Live every day on The 5-Day Lead Challenge Facebook Group at 2PM EST as they walk you through:
🔥 Generating leads
🔥 Using Social Media to your advantage
🔥 Hosting an Event that packs the Mats
Are you up to the challenge? Signup now⬇️
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