The Martial Arts Industry Association's MASuccess Magazine exists to help grow martial arts participation by helping school owners succeed.
by Frank Silverman
I start this column with a bit of sorrow because usually I’d be giving one last push for the Martial Arts SuperShow. I’d talk about all the great topics to be covered. I’d bring up all the fantastic speakers and seminars and training ops. I would, of course, give a few reasons why all Martial Arts Industry Association members should attend — not just to further their own education for the benefit of the industry as a whole but also to show support for all the hard work that MAIA and Century put into the event.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 got the best of the SuperShow again this year. As I type this, Las Vegas is on its way back to normalcy, but many venues still are not fully open. In some ways, the success of the Show is what doomed it: Caesars Forum, which was supposed to be our venue this year, has maximum occupancy rates that are far lower than the numbers we draw. The social distancing requirements that will be in place in Vegas for...
When looking back on 2020, there were so many lessons that were learned.
My mantra during Covid was pretty simple:
After every recession - there is a rebound.
After every recession - there IS a rebound.
After every recession - there IS a REBOUND.
And that’s where we are today. Many of you have your schools opened — some of
you with restrictions — and then there are places like Florida where we have absolutely no restrictions in our academy.
And it’s time to rebuild.
It’s time to RECRUIT.
Which means it’s time to go pedal to the metal with getting your school back to pre-COVID numbers and beyond. Which is what brings me to this blog today.
One of the things I missed most during 2020 was live events. While virtual events like the Super Show and my 8-Hour Marketing Mastermind Course were amazing, there is nothing like being there in person.
Now that the pandemic is slowing down here in the states, we are seeing more live
by Cris Rodriguez, Mike Metzger and Shane Tassoul
At the macro level, you have to implement just three systems to achieve success in your martial arts academy. If you’re thinking that sounds too easy to be true, know that Tony Robbins teaches something similar in his business-coaching programs. He says a business must do these three things to grow:
1 Get customers.
2 Get those customers to pay more.
3 Get those customers to pay more, more often.
At the Martial Arts Industry Association, our recipe for success focuses on the three R’s: recruitment, retention and revenue. In this article, three of the industry’s leading consultants — Cris Rodriguez, Mike Metzger and Shane Tassoul — will explain how this simple strategy can help you take your school to the next level in 2021.
Recruitment • Cris Rodriguez, MAIA Consultant
One year on vacation in Hawaii, I was relaxing at the beach when a fisherman, obviously a local, drove up in his...
by Harinder Singh Sabharwal
At least 90 percent of success in business boils down to mindset and the ability to “be like water” as you adapt to change. The fact that you’re reading this article indicates that the martial arts are your business — as well as a way of life for you. The education you’ve received stretches far beyond the physical and impacts every aspect of your existence. This includes how you perceive situations, how you interact with people and how you make decisions. The arts provide you with a philosophy of action that’s powered by a disciplined mind, and this sets you apart from people who are into other pursuits.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 has thrown our industry into chaos. It’s pushed us to transform how we conduct business and how we provide services for our students. As martial artists, we’re trained to make ourselves comfortable in uncomfortable situations, which is why, as an industry, we’ve stepped...
What do you think of when you hear the word "summer"?
• Do you think of traveling?
• Vacations?
• Time at the beach or the pool?
Unfortunately for some school owners, when they hear the word summer, they think:
• Low revenue
• Tons of freezes
• Empty mats
If that’s you, this blog was perfectly crafted with you in mind.
When I first started working with Mr. Metzger, he taught me some marketing gold.
He said, “There are 3 times a year in your school where you have to increase your
marketing efforts."
Those times are:
• Going into summer
• Coming out of summer
• And going into the new year
Why is it you might ask that those 3 specific times are when you should go pedal to the metal with your marketing?
It’s because during those times, people are making transitions that affect their day-to-day lives.
When it’s summer time, school is ending, vacation time is taken, new activities are booked, and our typical...
When we first started martial arts, we never thought we would be where we are: full-fledged entrepreneurs making an impact on our communities. But here we are!
Many of us had to learn on-the-fly how to run a business. We spent long nights trying to figure out how to grow our schools into businesses.
Sometimes, we were moving so fast we barely knew what we knew, or more importantly — what we didn’t.
Do you know what a lead is? Truly? We know we want them, but what is the difference between a lead, a prospect, or a customer?
That’s why I want to stop and take a second to slow down and really talk about it.
Let’s start with the basics: your Customer Journey
[See video above]
Before your prospect is — well — a prospect, they are a lead. A lead is someone who has a one-way interaction with your school or your brand.
During this stage of the Customer Journey, your Lead will be determining if they are interested or not and will likely need...
by Melissa Torres, MAIA Division Manager
I have a confession to make. I know it’s not the best way to begin this column, but I have to get it off my chest. I’m not a school owner. I’m not an instructor. My role at MAIA is to work with our coaches who are school owners. Which is good because I’m not the person you want to call when you’re trying to execute your first summer camp or afterschool program. But I know how to get you in touch with the experts who can help.
Even though I’m not a school owner, I’ve come to know many over the three and a half years I’ve had this position. I’ve enjoyed having the opportunity to visit their schools, listen to their stories, and hear about their successes and struggles. I have a good idea of what our owners and instructors want and need to grow their schools.
But so much has changed in the past year. Schools now operate in a drastically different manner because of COVID. Most...
With everything going on with the second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), I wanted to cover the 3 basic tips you need to know before submitting your application.
In our business, we are always pushing the importance of building and nurturing relationships. We all know the importance of building relationships with our students, their families, and our community.
On the business side, we have to be committed to building relationships with the people that can potentially help us accomplish our goals as well.
It’s imperative that you nurture specific relationships with people like your CPA, your lawyer, and in this case, your bank.
Which brings me to Tip #1 — You’ve got to establish a relationship with a smaller bank.
Many school owners experienced a painful first round of PPP where their “large” bank was unable to get them a distribution. This is why developing a relationship with a small bank is an absolute must.
They are much more personal,...
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